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What is a doula?

According to Dr. Christine Morton, author of the book Birth Ambassadors, a birth doula is a companion who supports a birthing person during labor and birth. Birth doulas are trained to provide continuous, one-on-one care, as well as information, physical support, and emotional support to birthing persons and their partners.

People who have continuous support during childbirth experience a:

  • 25% decrease in the risk of Cesarean
  • 8% increase in the likelihood of a spontaneous vaginal birth
  • 10% decrease in the use of any medications for pain relief
  • Shorter labors by 41 minutes on average
  • 38% decrease in the baby’s risk of a low five minute Apgar score
  • 31% decrease in the risk of being dissatisfied with the birth experience

A Little About Me

I always wanted a water birth but, being “high risk” I had to have a hospital birth. I was induced, given an epidural, in the hospital for three days and now I’m bringing my experiences to you. Be that at home, in a hospital, or in a birthing center. Because you deserve as much of the birth you desire as possible.